A great education sets you on the path for a successful future. This is the concept that high school teachers across America are instilling in their children. Preparing teenagers for college is the priority of every high school educator. But sometimes, available resources limit their abilities. Implementing accordion doors was enough to enhance the learning experience for the students at one California high school. Here’s how accordion folding doors made a difference for over 100 high school juniors and seniors.
A lot of public schools are known for being overcrowded and underfunded. This is an issue that has set teachers and students back for many years. One year, a high school in California decided to implement AP courses into its curriculum. They had many honor roll students over the years and wanted to help improve their chances of getting scholarships. Unfortunately, this school in particular was limited in space.
They needed to build new classrooms, but their budget simply wouldn’t allow for it. They held a fund raiser for a full semester, but wasn’t able to generate enough to fund a construction project. One of the students however pitched an excellent idea – using accordion doors to separate large classrooms. This was the perfect solution to their problem.
Accordion folding doors are cost-effective and they can be customized. The principal went ahead and issued the order. They purchased 10 accordion doors to dissect 10 large classrooms into two. This saved them time and money. The classrooms were ready to go within a few months. The folding doors they implemented were acoustically designed, so that noise levels wouldn’t disturb the opposite class. The teachers that shared these classrooms loved the idea. It was easier to watch in on a class, since the walls could be moved aside. Watching two classes is nearly impossible when there is a solid wall in between.
The following year, AP classes were made available to juniors and seniors. Honor roll students were given the opportunity to take college courses and earn credits.
The principal took the initiative to install accordion doors in the lunchroom as well. He knew that it would come in handy one day in the future – and it did. SAT testing time came around and at the same time there was a science fair being held in the cafeteria. The gym was under construction, so there was nowhere else to go. Thankfully, the accordion folding doors were already in place. The doors split the cafeteria in half and the students were able to take their tests in silence.
Accordion folding doors proved to be a real problem-solver for this school. They helped to create space and further the education of students. High schoolers were given a chance at a college education because of the savvy idea of one student.
This is only one way folding doors have been used in schools. They can also be applied in different areas and for various purposes. These doors are suitable for the gym, allowing the space to be partitioned to allow multiple functions or meetings to go on at once. Accordion doors can also be used for the auditorium. Folding doors offer numerous possibilities for schools of all kinds – private, public, elementary, colleges and everything else in between.
Accordion folding doors can be customized to suit your purpose. So whether you’re looking for sound-proofing, security or aesthetic appeal, it can be designed to accommodate your specific needs. It is one of the most cost-effect solutions for saving space. If your school needs to implement accordion folding doors, take a look at the selection available at Accordon-Doors.com.