There is a lot of information out there about accordion doors in design and how great they can
look in any space. What people don’t often discuss, though, is the details of the process when
you choose to purchase and install accordian doors in a space. Residential and commercial
design are two very different areas of focus and take a different approach to installation
depending on the job at hand.
Unlike traditional installations, a large commercial job is going to require a lot more time and
resources. The chance to create custom accordion doors for interior use is still available, and
the custom design options are seemingly endless. However, the installation process requires
much more attention to detail and an experienced hand. Every accordion door installation
should be done by a specialty door professional that understands how to properly install and
operate these custom doors, as a matter of fact.
What’s different about commercial installation of accordian doors? For starters, the size and
style of the door is probably nothing like what you would find in residential design. Also, the
doors are made from high quality materials and designed to provide years of safe use.
Commercial doors require extra protections and construction elements because they are used
in a public space, whereas residential doors don’t have to meet as many codes and guidelines
for use.
Commercial installations usually take longer, as the specifications for installing the doors have
to be just right. This is where hiring the right people for the job and buying the best accordion
doors in interior design can go a long way.
What about DIY Installation?
There are products on the market that can be purchased for DIY installation. Just because they
exist doesn’t mean that they’re the right choice, though. Professional installation is always the
best option when it comes to something like specialty accordion doors. The best way to benefit
from accordion doors in a commercial setting is to get custom-built and installed doors so that
they provide years of quality use and enjoyment.
Commercial installation projects not only have to consider the basic installation process, but
they have to focus in on all regulations and local, state, or federal building codes as well. The
detail involved in this process makes it difficult for a DIY project to be successful unless done by
a licensed contractor or door expert.
Commercial doors can also be much larger than residential doors, which takes the right tools
and possibly, machinery, for the job. While the average residential installation is 8-10 feet in
length, commercial doors can be upwards of 30 feet in some cases. With the added uniqueness
and complexity of accordion doors for interior use, the installation process needs to be done by
someone who is an expert in the process and has the right knowledge and tools for the job. You
wouldn’t let just anyone work on your home, would you? You can’t take that kind of risk with
your commercial space, either.
The Bottom Line
In the world of specialty doors like these, it is always best to leave the work to the professionals.
There are many things that could go wrong, from improper track installation to something as
simple as a door that isn’t quite “right”. In the commercial market, you are spending a lot of
money on improvements, so you should make sure that you always get your money’s worth.
That includes a professional installation that gives you a functional door that can be used and
enjoyed for many years to come.